How would I explain myself to all of you? Well I Live a life of rebellion, full of Drugs, Sex, and Rock and Roll......Bahahahahahha NOT! That's not me, I don't do Drugs and I'm no Hoe. I love to have fun, I try to do what makes me happy, but unfortunately we all have times where we can't always be happy, so I just live it up to the best of my abilities. I have great friends, an amazing family, it's just a great life. I have some views on god and just everything that are different from others. So read my blog, you might find something out about me that you like.

Cheyenne/Emilee <3

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dear You

First off I am so excited to say congrats to one of my amazing best friends Kyle! Congrats darling on everything! I love you doll!

Now to the blog that I am posting today, this blog is about some of my feelings about certain people in my life, people that have hurt me and also someone who has made everything so much easier and for that I will be forever in his debt. Names will not be disclosed. Certain people know who these people are and if you well congrats lol. These Blogs are also going to be separate and in letter forms. The first one will be on this blog, the other two will be together on the second blog.

This is to the one who makes everything better, I just hope that I could make everything better too.

Dear you,

I am so extremely happy to have you and pink in my life! You mean so much to me, and I care about you so much. Remember what I told you the first time we hung out, about me being there, I wasn't lying, I will be there always. I want you to know that I swear I am the luckiest girl in the world. You are so perfectly unperfect and I love that about you. You give me butterflies more that anyone ever has, and I just can't seem to get you out of my head. You make it so I can't stop smiling. Thank you for everything and I really cannot wait to see what the future holds. Thank you for taking care of me when I got sick on the roof, and thank you for listening to me when that random depression came over me. I feel like I can be my dorky self around you and It makes me so happy that you except the fact I'm crazy and have two personalities. By the way her name is Emilee I never told you that. I love that I can just look into your eyes and my heart just melts when you kiss me. Thank you for everything! Oh yeah and p.s. I am falling for you.


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